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Welcome, Friends, to Our New Blog!

Posted by Sandy on Oct 11th 2023

Welcome, Friends, to Our New Blog!

We’ve been silent long enough. Now it is time to share all the amazing things we have been learning. What are we here for but to live, learn, love, and share the joy of discovery with others. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. So be it. Now I am setting pen, well, I guess I better say web code, to paper, or rather computer screen, to open what I hope will be a new understanding for those who are interested.

If you have come to our website, you may have heard about the effectiveness of our all natural health products, maybe you have tried them yourself, and love them. Maybe you have read some of the website material about essential oils or about the comfrey in the “Bone Magic” and found that you understand a bit more why the products work so well. Would you like to know more about how to help your body the natural way?

We are starting this blog, because we have heard from so many of our wonderful customers how they are tired of taking so many drugs for every health problem that comes around. Often they discover they have to fight the complications of one drug by taking another one and before long they are taking lots of expensive drugs and still not feeling well. Many have heard from their friends “oh, those herbal things don’t work”. Maybe you have taken vitamins or a new multilevel juice product thinking this may work, only to find yourself still sick. Probably some of you did improve, maybe you improved a lot, but others of you didn’t. So you wonder…”is it all just hype?”

Only a hundred years ago, Science thought our bodies were like machines. They figured, like a machine, if they could break it down and study to learn about each area, then they could get an understanding of how the whole thing worked. If the human body were like a machine, that would be possible. Now, one hundred years later they realize that this isn’t the case. The more scientists have discovered the more they realize how much they don’t know.<span> </span>The complexity of it all is mind boggling. Your body is more complex than anything ever designed by or even imagined by mankind.

The same holds true for anything natural. The more they research into it, the more complexity they discover. All of the things we thought were simple, like even the single celled organisms, or simple bacteria, science has discovered are really not simple at all. Now that they have studied them with more powerful microscopes, they have learned that they are absolutely astounding. I watched a documentary a few days ago called “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” where the scientists were aghast at the incredible discovery that a single celled organism had parts like their flagella that was built better than any machine man has made. It rotated at the amazing speed of 100,000 rpms and had a biological information processing system described in the DVD as “more powerful than any computer network”.

If nature came to us with such complexity and perfection, then maybe that little old herb, or that carrot, or even the grass our cows are eating to maintain their huge size is more complex than we realize. Can a man-made concoction of chemicals possibly have the complexity found in nature

If you have come to our website, you may have heard about the effectiveness of our all natural health products, maybe you have tried them yourself, and love them. Maybe you have read some of the website material about essential oils or about the comfrey in the “Bone Magic” and found that you understand a bit more why the products work so well. Would you like to know more about how to help your body the natural way?

We are starting this blog, because we have heard from so many of our wonderful customers how they are tired of taking so many drugs for every health problem that comes around. Often they discover they have to fight the complications of one drug by taking another one and before long they are taking lots of expensive drugs and still not feeling well. Many have heard from their friends “oh, those herbal things don’t work”. Maybe you have taken vitamins or a new multilevel juice product thinking this may work, only to find yourself still sick. Probably some of you did improve, maybe you improved a lot, but others of you didn’t. So you wonder…”is it all just hype?”

Only a hundred years ago, Science thought our bodies were like machines. They figured, like a machine, if they could break it down and study to learn about each area, then they could get an understanding of how the whole thing worked. If the human body were like a machine, that would be possible. Now, one hundred years later they realize that this isn’t the case. The more scientists have discovered the more they realize how much they don’t know. The complexity of it all is mind boggling. Your body is more complex than anything ever designed by or even imagined by mankind.

The same holds true for anything natural. The more they research into it, the more complexity they discover. All of the things we thought were simple, like even the single celled organisms, or simple bacteria, science has discovered are really not simple at all. Now that they have studied them with more powerful microscopes, they have learned that they are absolutely astounding. I watched a documentary a few days ago called “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” where the scientists were aghast at the incredible discovery that a single celled organism had parts like their flagella that was built better than any machine man has made. It rotated at the amazing speed of 100,000 rpms and had a biological information processing system described in the DVD as “more powerful than any computer network”.

If nature came to us with such complexity and perfection, then maybe that little old herb, or that carrot, or even the grass our cows are eating to maintain their huge size is more complex than we realize. Can a man-made concoction of chemicals possibly have the complexity found in nature?